Title: City of Glass
Series: The Mortal Instruments - book 3
Author: Cassandra Clare
Rating: 5 stars
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Number of Pages: 540
Publication Date: 2009
Publisher: Walker Books
Summary: Clary must travel to the City of Glass, the anscetral home of Shadowhunters, to save her mother's life. Clary begins to uncover truths about her family and her past with the help of Sebastian, and Valentine begins to muster the full force of his demon army.
Amid the chaos of war, the Shadowhunters must decide to fight with the vampires, werewolves and other Downworlders - or against them. Meanwhile, Jace and Clary have their own decision to make: should they pursue the love they know is forbidden?
This is probably my second favourite book in the series. This book was originally written as the final book of the trilogy before Cassandra Clare came to her senses and wrote more books. For this reason it is one of my faves. As an original ending to a series, this book tidies up a lot of loose ends, which is good when you consider that this series is now six books, as it means no story lines begin to drag. It also means the characters get a moment of finality before the next stage begins.
In this book we really get to see some character development. In this book the effects that the previous two books have had on the characters really begins to show. We begin to see the characters breaking round the edges and fighting to not crumble into thousands of tiny little pieces and just give up. Jace in particular is really pushed to his limits. As a character who has always been taught to be strong and unbreakable, it's humbling to watch him slowly break down and rebuild himself.
Cassandra Clare is a brave writer. She writes her stories as they happen. Rather than being an author who writes and smothers their characters so they all come out okay at the end, Cassandra Clare's writing is almost brutally honest. In many ways it's almost as if she is writing about what really happened. If the characters should be suffering, they will be. Happy moments are happening at the same time that the world is being ripped out from under the characters feet and thrown in the deep end of hell.